Our Tax $$$ is killing CHILDREN in Gaza

https://IsraelPalestineTimeline.org/ Click on “Charts”
Learn more at: https://stoptheblankcheck.org/

What did the USA get for the money spent and American lives lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Israel? Stop throwing good money after bad! Stop endangering American lives!

Numbers as of January 7, 2024, for the latest numbers go to:
https://israelpalestinetimeline.org/ Click on “Charts”
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/12/israel-hamas-war-data-shows-human-cost-of-conflict-through-the-years.html as of November 10, 2o23

Child deaths – West Bank

ReliefWeb, a UN-linked humanitarian information service, announced – 3 weeks before the October 7th attacks, that 2023 was the deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank. At that time, 38 children had been killed.

Today, the number is at least 76.

Previously, 2022 had been the deadliest year for children in the West Bank on record, with “only” 36 deaths.

A few 2023 headlines about Palestinian children:

2021 video
Journalists New Year’s message