ISA Dialogue

Open House – Dialogue Program

The Islamic Society of Augusta periodic program to introduce interesting topics dealing with certain aspects of Islam to our CSRA neighbors.  The audience is encouraged to participate in a dialogue with a speaker or panel of ISA members. This program is open to the public.

7:00 pm Thursday, January 25, 2024
at Augusta’s First Islamic Center
3416 Middleton Dr.,
Martinez, GA 30907 

The Children of Israel are the children, and later descendants of Prophet Jacob (Isra’el). There are several verses in the Quran that inform us about the trials that Jacob and his descendants endured. The Qur’an also covers the story of Jacob’s grandfather Prophet Abraham and several prophets from his progeny.

Jews endured trials in the Christian lands, but they enjoyed safety and prosperity in the Muslim lands. This changed after the start of the Zionist movement, and the creation of the state Israel.

Children of Israel, Judaism, Zionism, and the state of Israel; how they are related and what makes them different.

Discover Islam session #2:
Health and Disease – An Islamic Perspective

7:00 PM Thursday September 21th

Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah:
Reliving Legacy of prophet Ibrahim

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Thursday July 20, 2023

A Taste of Ramadan 2023

On March 28, 2023 ISA held the Annual “A Taste of Ramadan” Iftar.

This years program was well attended including several elected officials (including Augusta Mayor Garnett Johnson and Doug Duncan the Columbia County Commissioners Chairman), members of the Interfaith Fellowship of Augusta, the Women’s Interfaith Network and Muslim friends from the Muslim Community Center downtown Masjid.

Previous Dialogue Program: Lifting The Veil On Islam