Obviously the Sinai Temple tried to make the program as balanced as they could.
But, the questions came from people who support Israel. The first thing on the sinaitemple.org website is “Supporting Israel”.
Both panelists are Jews.
Dr. Mate is an eloquent speaker for Palestinian Human Rights, but he is not Palestinian.
Dr. Mate chose to (almost) exclusively cite Israeli sources.
But, I do not blame Dr. Mate nor the Sinai Temple for not including Palestinian voices.
Here on our on website we do the same thing. We use article, video, books by mostly by Jews, some by Christians around the world, and a few by Christian Palestinians, but (almost) nothing by Muslim Palestinians. The reason for this is obvious, Muslim Palestinian voices are routinely dismissed. Even Jews that speak for Palestinian Human Rights are routinely dismissed as ‘Self-Hating-Jews’.
The questions were all one sided. For example: the first question was, “Does Israel have the right to exist.” To be fair they should also have been asked, “Does Palestine have the right to exist”.
ISA “The Road to Peace” Event on December 6, 2023
On Wednesday, December 6, 2023 the Islamic Society of Augusta held a ‘Road to Peace’ presentation.
This is a pdf of the PowerPoint presentation (with slight modifications for the website).
The entire videos in the above presentation:

This war personally affects us in the CSRA. The day after this event, the brother of one of our Palestinian members who participated in the event, was killed in a bombing near a hospital in Gaza.
We are desperate to do whatever we can to bring about not just a cease-fire, not just an end to the occupation, but a lasting peace. But it must start with a cease-fire, now!
We highly encourage everyone that wants peace to contact their elected representatives and call for an immediate ceasefire.